- connect - produce - publish -

A Publisher - A Producer - A Brand
A Community - A Mentor - A Partner

Playtecher Forum

About Playtecher

A commercial company that is the base of a game, app, design, marketing and technology community, that in turn will provide and/or help facilitate products and apps/games to be produced, published and marketed.

Behind the initiative to setup Playtecher and its community Playtechers, are NTNU, Mustad Nærignspark, local companies, local talent, students and faculty.

We see the world as our market, and our goal is in time to build a strong brand name with a base in innovating and creative products, as well as simultaneously capitalising on our growing and capable knowledge base, locally, nationally and internationally. Through cooperation with a wide range og partners locally, nationally and internationally,

a publisher
Playtecher is a publisher and market communicator for the products and solutions created by partners and/or the Playtechers community. Products will benefit from being under the Playtecher brand umbrella.
a producer
With a vast accumulated wealth of experience, and partners from an diverse array of knowledge, Playtecher is a hands on producer that can help a product from dream to a high quality reality.
a brand name
Playtecher´s long term plan is to build a strong brand name over time, and be involved as a partner/owner in many projects. Focusing on the revenue stream is part of the business plan from day one.
a community
The Playtecher community, built and managed by Playtecher, will have its base in local talent, companies and most importantly the local University (NTNU). But it is open to all, be it local, national or internattional.
a mentor
Playtecher will serve as an protagonist and mentor for a diversity of projects from the Playtechers community, our partners, or other persons or parties seeking to make their idea a quality based reality.
a partner
Helping you navigate through the process of making your idea a reality, whilst protecting your rights and finding the right partners and collaborators.

The Playtecher Community

First and foremost Playtecher is a meeting ground for app programmers, game programmers, designers, engineers, musicians, marketeers and more. Through our forums, and our activities, we seek to help our members hone their skills, meet new people to collaborate with or just learn new skills from. Run by a commercial company, Playtecher AS in Gjøvik, Norway, Playtecher will also seek to help its members reach a worldwide audience through promotion, publishing, connections and in the future, financing and incubators.

The Playtecher hub will first of all be its forum, where user can connect and share work and ideas, as well as instigate projects and events.
Virtual meetings are good, but in person meet ups will often bring forward new possibilities and connections. Playtecher will have its own facilities featuring regular meet ups.
Seeing is believing. When possible, or when faith lands us opportunities that cannot be ignored, Playtecher will host presentations from known and/or not so known personalities or groups that can shed new light on subjects, experiences or other relevant material of value.
On a regular basis we will showcase and view a movie or a a documentary, often with a discussion or loose chat before and after. Social and fun (and at times educational).
Playtecher will have its own app. In the app you will find relevant links, a complete schedule for all happenings, direct links to all published games, apps, art, music and products. Makes it easy to take Playtecher with you in your pocket. We also intend this app to be of value to our parttners, including NTNU.
Now and then we will host or help host events. Be it a LAN, and exhibiton, or a promotional event for community products.


We will strive to make Playtecher accessible and useable on most of your hardware. But the heart of it all will first and foremost be the Forum. The forum will be launched during the second quarter of 2016. And later in 2016 we will launch our review site, that will feature news and reviews on a diversity of relvant technologies and products, with the aim to inpspire and connect our community to the ins and outs of new technology and findings.

Go To The Forum

Our portfolio

Playtecher are already involved in different technologies and projects. Some will be used as a starting point for new products, through the Playtecher community, or by getting some of our commercial partners involved in re-deveolping or further developing the existing products.

But most excited we are about the future innovative products that we will put forward in time. Follow this space.

Become a Playtecher partner,
become part of the future

Tapping into a wealth of creativity, a long and proven line of knowledge and products that have reached the market,

Contact us

Playtecher is a concept that does not only fulfill it´s own dreams and monetary plans. Besides creating and managing a community of creatives and technically adept participants spanning a broad knowledgebase, Playtecher has several partners that also see the benefits of being part of a larger more diversified context. Below are some of our partners.

Meet Playtecher

Playtecher emcompasses the Playtecher community, that with its growing base of creatives and ideas, will bring new people onboard at Playtecher. Playtecher is currently served on a collaborative effort by a core of people working part time and/or full time to implenment Playtecher as well as work on projects from partners and the community. Below is the core team. It is a growing team, and with new people joining Playtecher along the way, our team will be ever expanding, both in numbers and in knowledge and areas of expertise. It is indeed an exiting mix that is in the making.

Tom-Edwin Manshaus
Project Manager
Jakob Solheim
Playtecher Community Manager
Vilde Moltudal
Market Coordinator (CGSN)

Victor Rudolfsson
Programming and development (mnemonic)
Davide MRG
Interaction Design (Master NTNU Gjøvik)
Barry Swan
3D programmer extraordinaire

Mariusz Nowostawski
Associate Professor NTNU Gjøvik
Gerardo Diego Espinosa de la Riva
Assistant Professor NTNU Campus Gjøvik
Jørund Løkken
Electronics and hardware (Managing Director Ewitech As)

Feel free to contact us

Playtecher is always interested in new ideas, concepts and technologies.

mail: info@playtecher.com

tel +47 995 76 455